Illinois Car Accident Lawyers

Get Help: Car Accident Lawyer in Illinois

While some car accidents are relatively straightforward, as when one car simply collides into another car, other accident cases can be substantially more complex. For example, many different types of vehicles may be involved, including school buses, commercial trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles. Additionally, there are many different types of collisions such as rear-end, head-on, rollover, broadside, single car collisions, or those involving multiple vehicles. Each detail of a car accident case must be closely examined to determine your rights to financial recovery for your accident-related losses.

Contact The Bruning Law Firm: Illinois Car Accident Lawyers

Losses sustained in car accidents can be extensive, especially if you suffered serious injuries. Such losses may include medical expenses, physical pain and suffering, lost income and benefits, emotional distress, among others. If you believe you may have a possible legal claim following a car accident, your first call should be to our experienced Illinois auto accident lawyers for a case evaluation.

Proving Negligence in Illinois Car Accident Cases

Sometimes, car accidents are unavoidable and no one is at fault. In most instances, however, at least one party acted in a negligent manner to cause the accident, if not multiple parties. In order to prevail in an auto accident claim, you must be able to sufficiently prove some type of negligence.

Identifying negligence in a car accident case is not always simple and may require extensive investigation. Some examples of negligence that cause auto accidents may include as follows:

The complexities and evidence involved in your case will differ widely based on the type of negligence that caused your accident.

Call Our Office to Speak to Experienced Car Accident Lawyers in Illinois Today

You should not delay in discussing your car accident with a qualified auto accident lawyer Illinois. Anthony Bruning has decades of experience protecting the rights of injured accident victims, so please call our office today at 314-735-8100 to schedule your free consultation.